How to Get Likes on Tik Tok? Expert Tips for Video Lovers

how to get likes on Tik Tok

Ohhh yeah! We did it – we rediscovered amazing platform Tik Tok and decided to open up another avenue for your self-realization!

People are easily get tired of the same-type content existing on social media. We love diversity, that’s the reason. That’s why Instagram introduces its updates and new features more often than the sun appears in the sky, that’s why people are losing their minds when it comes to Tik Tok – that’s something new and freaking funny!

amazing platform Tik Tok

Yes, it's true that the platform is developed for amusement, but with the growth of the its audience, celebrities and advertisers have become interested in it, and well-known bloggers now regard TikTok as another distribution channel.

So what's so special about it, why is it worth promoting there and how to do it? You will learn the answers from this article!

By reading up to the end, you will learn what Bigbangram offers to you and your Tik Tok account. So don't miss that.

What's so special about this Tik Tok?

TikTok has taken the niche of services for publishing mini-videos, capturing the audience of the closed Vine and taking some fans of Instagram Stories. Such a format for short videos with rich editing capabilities is to people’s liking. For example, in the United States at the end of 2018, the social network outperformed the number of downloads of giants such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

 special about this Tik Tok

The fact that the service is aimed specifically at a young audience is also evidenced by an extensive set of stickers, filters, beauty effects, etc. But even if you are lovely over-50 grandad, welcome to Tik Tok!

And if you take into account the growth speed of it, you will realize that it's super easy to become popular on Tik Tok – videos there can get thousands of views and likes in a couple of hours. That's the power!

Why do you need to be there?

In fact, TikTok grew into a subculture, with its stars with a multi-million audience. The audience’s loyalty is amazing: according to the network itself, the average user logs into the app 7 times a day!

Tik Tok’s audience is young 40% of users are under 18 years old. And here you need to keep in mind three things:

TikTok grew into a subculture

Firstly, there are many businesses (events, clothing, education, etc.), where teenagers are the target audience.

Secondly, I truly believe that 14-24-year segment is very underestimated in business. On the one hand, they have their own money – from parents, or from part-time jobs. On the other – as a proactive generation, they provide parents with ideas: where to go on vacation, where to order food, in which store to buy electronics.

Thirdly, its audience will grow together with the network itself (the same story was with FB and IG) – youngsters will grow up, the network will grow with new functionality, and we will get a new universal network. The main thing is that the loyalty of the audience to TikTok goes beyond a limit, this is almost the new Instagram!

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How to get likes on Tik Tok?

1. Make your profile more attractive
If someone likes one of your videos, he/she will most likely go to your profile to find out more about you. So make your profile more attractive, select a catchy nickname and set a cool avatar, and even better – its video version. Add brief information about yourself and your interests in the description. Don't forget about call-to-action, add links to your Instagram and YouTube.

2. Follow other users
Like other social networks, TikTok has a mutual follow-up that helps to get new followers.

3. Actively comment
Another good way to attract an audience. Seeing a comment, many people go to the profile of its author out of curiosity and often follow him/her back.

For maximum effect, leave witty comments under the videos of popular bloggers, relevant challenges and other content that is now in trend.

4. Announce your videos in other social networks
In addition to TikTok, you have other social networks in which there are probably more followers. Use this to attract a new audience! Publish video announcements on Instagram, on YouTube and invite users to watch a new video on TikTok.

5. Use hashtags correctly
On many social networks, hashtags are one of the most useful and affordable tools to attract a new audience, and TikTok is not an exception. Using relevant tags, you can increase your audience reach and get new followers.

Take hashtags from the list of popular ones on the search tab, ‘spy' on users with content similar to yours, use the names of new songs, challenges and everything that is currently a buzzword.

6. Always analyze the response
Working with statistics and analysis are also very important, I've talked about it milion times. Not all videos gain the same number of likes. Your task is to figure out what your audience like more. Learn from your mistakes, mate! Do not waste your time on stuff which won't fly.

7. Do duets with other users
TikTok popularity secrets: duets with other users. It’s a super great opportunity to attract an audience for free with a minimum of effort. Use popular videos and record reactions to them, without forgetting to put down the correct hashtags. Some creative colabs can become even popular than the original videos.

 Do duets with other users

8. Hold competitions
A win-win, but not wallet-friendly promotion option that works with all social networks, including TikTok. Everyone loves to receive gifts, especially when you just need to like and follow.

9. Buy ads from popular bloggers
Almost all users with a large number of followers sell ads. You can search for accounts with the right audience and ask the owners of these pages to promote you for money. Depending on the number of followers, the price of advertising varies, but attracting top bloggers is not necessary – large ones will be enough.

Now you know how to get likes on Tik Tok, you can read more about it here – How to Get Famous on Tik Tok in 2019? Now take a look what We offer!

What does Bigbangram offer to you?

We offer the fast and quality promotion of your Tik Tok account. By entrusting us your acc, you get new followers, more likes, tons of comments and the possibility to start earning money!

Automatic liking/ following, unfollowing and commenting are our methods of attracting REAL and engaged fans!

Aren't you tired to be unnoticed?

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