How to Get Famous on Tik Tok in 2020?

Tik Tok in 2020

What the hell is Tik Tok?

TikTok is a platform that unites the young generation in the creation and watching tons of video content. It's an impressive mixture of Snapchat, Instagram Stories, and stone-dead Vine. Teenagers make short funny videos, apply filters, make duets, and just have fun on TikTok. If you are addictive to digital time-stealers, I advise you not to download TikTok to your phone. You will be hypnotized and sucked into the most popular and young hype movement.

how to get famous on Tik Tok in 2020

How to get likes on Tik Tok fast?

How to get famous on TikTok with a new account? We all had heard similar questions when Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube was just getting famous. The rules and tendencies are the same. Don't waste your time, catch fame, likes, and tiktok followers while you can do it.

I can tell you how to become famous!

We can advise the best tool for promotion on TikTok!

TitleSo let's start with the basics:

First Impression.
You know that the first impression on the net is the most important. So your TikTok profile must be something that immediately creates a desire to follow you. Start with a catchy name. Keep it short, fun, and easy to remember. The name is your personal brand, so let it be loud!

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No less important issue is your description. Make it clear; write something unusual or exciting. Plus, let every random profile visitor understand what your account is about. If you are out of ideas, check out the best TikTok accounts for your inspiration!

Okay, we have a name and a description. It's not the clothes that count, but the things the clothes cover. Make your account themed. On TikTok, people are divided into comedians, beauty bloggers, gamers, challenge pros, etc. You can find accounts that film time-lapses, science experiments, ASMR. So every TikToker has a particular topic, the field, where he or she is a pro. Find your passion, master it, present to the world, and get your fans!

Please, be original. All TikTok celebrities have original and unique content. Do not copy anyone unless it's a challenge! It is essential to come up with new trends and ideas of your own.

It may be boring to view videos without any sound. Always use music and choose the right soundtracks. Show your music taste, stay trendy and let the God of Popularity be with you. The quality of sound is really important. If you plan to talk in your videos, use a pro microphone to record yourself. Practice the speech, and please be confident.

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how to become an influencer on instagram

ake a high-quality video. It's the most crucial aspect if you want to be popular on TikTok. Also, it's better to have short videos.

Plus, if you want to get famous fast, don't forget to dress up and use the right light for your videos. You don't have to be a professional model, but please do some makeup and find your angle. Make your videos short but bright and memorable. Edit your videos. It must look professional.

The rule for every social media is the same: consistency. Upload videos regularly. When people like your videos, and they want to see more. Unless your fans can easily forget you.

So how to get more likes on Tik Tok? How to get tiktok famous?
Have an eye-catchy and themed profile. Post regularly high-quality content.

Likes and Followers on TikTok?

Let them flow to you automatically!

How to get more followers on Tik Tok?

I've been watching the evolution of social media popularity for 9 years. So the secret of digital fan base creation is simple:

Use hashtags
Stay awake and follow trends. Three types of hashtags must be used for every post:

tik tok typing dog
  1. Popular. These are trendy and most-followed hashtags. But it's hard to stay on top. People put such hashtags really often;
  2. Non-popular. These tags describe your video, but they are unique and rare in occurrence;
  3. Odd. Write something completely unrelated. It may help your video to stand out in the row of themed tagged videos.

Write comments
Write really comments that can attract the attention of readers and make them visit your profile. Plus, don't forget to keep your fans engaged and reply to every comment you have. Be positive and spread some love to TikTok liker.

Follow and like
You can spend a few hours a day by following and liking people. Concentrate on small influencers. If you have lots of interactions with a certain group of influencers that similar to you, you can get into recommendations to their followers.

Share your profile
Don't forget to share your videos on Youtube or Instagram. Your friends and acquaintances may be your true fans, which will enrich your number of followers.

Don't forget about collaborations
Find the accounts that have your desirable potential audience and make duets. People may follow you when they see your collaboration.

So how to get followers on TikTok?
Stay active and collaborate! It's everyday hard work.

Special sweeteners about TikTok

Branded masks. Like on my lovely Insta, on TikTok, you can also create masks. A nice mask can make your account famous and viral. Yeah, it's not that simple, but worth it!

tik tok sweetener

Hashtag Challenges. Do you want what brings the most hype? Anyone can set a tone and create the idea for videos and then launches a particular hashtag to follow the trend. It's effective to attract influencers to the challenges, and in the end, pick up a winner.

I can recall the latest Guess Challenge. Users created videos with a hashtag #inmydenim: they first wore usual clothes and then changed into a denim outfit. The result is 30 000 000 coverage, and 5500 videos!

Contests. Continuation of the idea with challenges – the best works with a certain hashtag can be awarded prizes. A great example of a challenge from TikTok itself is #RestoStickTok, where the author of the best video received a trip.

The work on your TikTok account can be hard. If you want to do it with your own resources, it will be a long-term process. A great helper that can do all promotion automatically is a new BigBangram tool.

Automate Your TikTok promotion!

Auto like, Auto follow, Auto unfollow, Comments.

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