Our New Free and Fast Tool to Grow Your Brand Faster: Instagram Hashtag Generator

#ashtag generator

No hashtags, no popularity. Instagram tags are the main way to find interesting profiles for the majority of the users, so if you don't use them for your brand promotion — you lose a lot. Moreover, the hashtag usage is the best way to add a bunch of extra likes to your posts. According to statistics, brands which use at least one hashtag have a 12.6% better engagement rate than those who don't. And the high engagement rate is your key to the door of Instagram's top lists.

Note: only relevant hashtags bring you the best results. Even though you can get a couple of new followers by using very popular or meaningless tags, you won't attract your target audience. If you want to boost your engagement rate, you need to choose them wisely.

But is it really possible to select the right Instagram hashtags in a matter of minutes? Unfortunately, no. It resembles the creation of a semantic core for a website — too many things should be analyzed and too many factors should be taken into account. It takes time. Sometimes a lot. As you can see, that's the serious task for your marketing team, unless you use automation tools such as Bigbangram hashtag generator.

Add Relevant Hashtags to Your Photos in a Blink with Bigbangram

Marketing automation is trending during the past decade. New software solutions to optimize your brand promotion emerge, the old tools continue to be improved. These digital helpers can spare you a lot of routine tasks you had to do every day as a marketer. Instagram promotion is almost the same: all your activities on Instagram may be divided into two groups: those activities that require your cognitive skills (marketing strategy development, performance analysis, content plan creation, etc) and those that are not (liking, following, direct messaging).

three way to work

Hashtags are a bit different. It's impossible to come up with 30 quality keywords as fast as to follow 30 people in a row. This obviously requires your mental efforts. However, we live in the era when we take advantage of the AI technology — email marketing is being gradually replaced by chatbots, programs, not humans prepare annual reports with statistics, and even consultancy services can be provided by androids. New technologies are what allowed us to develop a smart algorithm that can come up with Instagram tags instead of you. And do it as fast as you like 3 photos in your feed.

Our Instagram hashtag generator works pretty simply. There are 3 ways to get your hashtags: to write 1 keyword, to upload a photo, and to add a link to your post.

1. Write 1 Keyword — Receive Other 29

Here you make up 1 hashtag which you think is relevant to your photo or video. Our algorithm analyses all existing Instagram hashtags and select the certain number of those which are most similar to your keyword. It worth noting, we pick up not only the most popular tags but also narrow ones to help you easily get in the top publications by this hashtag.

2. Upload a Photo — Convert Visual into Verbal

This way is even easier. You provide us with a photo you are going to add into your future post, and the generator does the rest of a job. The generator identifies what is depicted on the photo and draws up the list of hashtags accordingly.

3. Don't Think — Just Add a Link

If you have already made a post on Instagram, you can paste its URL into the generator. Actually, this method works in a similar manner to the previous one.

No More Waiting, Claim Your Hashtags Now

Only Two Steps Need to Be Completed to Generate Instagram Tags for Your Photo:

Generate Instagram Tags

Bonus FAQ: How to Use Hashtags to Get More Followers on Instagram

Some people know that hashtags are the worthy instrument to grow their account, but they still can't figure out how to use them the most effectively. To our readers who want to improve their positions, we made a list of the solutions to the most common issues related to the hashtag usage on Instagram.

What is the best number of hashtags under one post?
Not too many, not too few. One hashtag is obviously not enough to cover the proper audience, while 30 tags may seem to be too spammy. The best number is around 10 hashtags.

stats from hashtags BigBangram

How to get to the top publications by the hashtag?
This depends on the number of likes you receive under your post on average + on the follower's engagement rate of your account. If you have 3,000 followers and receive approximately 200 likes per post, don't hope to blow up using hashtags with over a million posts tagged by them. Instead of that, choose a narrower keyword with less than 100,000 publications and try to get as many likes as possible. Our fast likes option may help.

Is it possible to measure how effective my hashtags are?
Yes, if you switched your profile to the business account. This option is available to everyone: it doesn't matter whether your account is actually branded or not. After that, you can click on the “view insights” button on the post you need. So you can see the following statistics: Foto

Is it possible to add hashtags to stories? If yes, how many?
Yes, you can add up to 10 hashtags to your stories. The problem is that your hashtags will be displayed right over the photo or video in your publication. In this case, even 5 hashtags will make your story cluttered. We'd recommend you to use no more than 3 hashtags.

However, if you still want to add more, you can use the smaller font or hide them behind the sticker.

How to optimize my work with hashtags?
Even though our generator operates very fast, you don't need to use it every time you publish a picture. You can save hashtags you received and use it the next time for a similar kind of content.

Where should I place hashtags?
Do not add hashtags to the caption. Keep your caption concise and compelling. The best way to add hashtags is to place them in the first comment you can write after publishing content.

Are there any other methods to grow my account aside from hashtags?
Of course. You can try the mass-following technique to increase the number of your followers, or try to add comments to other users' photos to boost your engagement rate. We can automate the majority of actions usually needed for Instagram promotion.

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