Instagram blogging kickoff. Your path to Success.

Instagram blogging kickoff.

I'm really pleased to see You, my dear blog-readers! Let's get started today on the subject: Instagram account creation – reasons, targets, timings and some technical issues.

As you know, social network Instagram is not as simple as it seems. Every newcomer asks – how to start an account, what to do, how often to post, what pictures can and should be spread. At the first sight everything is banal and easy: solid photos, a bit of accompanying text, likes, a huge number of hashtags and comments. But don't think everything is as it looks like.

Your first account in Instagram. How to start?

It will take you some time in order to understand all the nuances. And it is very important on the first step not to make critical errors. It will be difficult to correct them later. Remember that it's hard to use Instagram only at the very beginning. That's very unusual to select right direction, titles, tags and hashtags. It's a really creative and fascinating process.

How to start blogging in Instagram?

First of all, you need to define the general theme of your account or blog page to promote your services. Also you have to define subject page and personal page. If you decide to create your personal blog in Instagram, remedies and subtopics. When choosing topics try to consider the format of the photo. Yours should not to be of the same type and bore your subscribers. They love new and interesting stuff.

Wrestler surprised and confused at the same time

For example, the very trending topic – “making money online”. This is the main theme. Related topics could be – travels, vacations, money, success, motivational phrases and so on. These topics can be developed in parallel. It is important that you will share posts regularly, laying out the pictures and creating great content.

After choosing a topic, you should choose the name for your Instagram account. It should be recognizable and in line with your general theme. Your choice will depend on many things. Remember (it's really important) that in the future, you couldn't change it, so you will begin to engage the promotion of your account immediately with the first post.

Another important point –hashtags. In other social networks they play a secondary role, in Instagram – all the way around. Only with the carefully chosen hashtag, you will be able to optimize searching engine at your account and move into the block “Best” into the network.

Create your personal hashtag, in tune with the most popular in your area. For example, the subject – to make money online and the hashtag – #makemoneyonline. Do not be afraid of such a long writing, this is normally for Instagram.

How to create a profile in Instagram?

So, let's move to the next important point – filling profile. It's simple, but at this stage it also has some limitations. Don't be surprised, this is Instagram with its quirks.

  1. When registering please indicate your valid phone number. It can help you in the future in case of force-majeure circumstances.
  2. After you register and confirm your account in Instagram with email, start creating and filling your profile. Be creative, try to stand out among competitors. But be aware of the limitations and the inability to contact tech support for Troubleshooting! There is simply no technical support and feedback.
  3. Your name should reflect your brand in the network: the name of an online store, your theme and so on. And you can only once use link to your website! Therefore, when maintaining several blogs in Instagram be careful – it's better to provide a link to your group in another social networks, landing pages and more.
  4. And most important – set your avatar. It should also be aimed at the formation of the brand. From an online store instead of an image you can set a logo or a trademark. But any avatar should have no inscriptions, signatures, appeals. Just a recognizable picture, releasing you from huge number of profiles. Your subscriber need to find you anyway

The best place for the formation and first impressions of your visitors is section “about me”. Here you can briefly, but very clearly and appealingly, talk about your activities: what you do, what you offer, what are your Hobbies, what are you going to post and how to contact you. Naturally, your biography needs to be in line with the overall theme of the blog (account) to be aimed at your target audience.

What to do after profile is filled?

Here everything is simple. Start enjoying the creativity and the imagination. Remember, you created your account for what? To promote the network and attract followers that will like your photos and leave comments. So create a couple of posts on the subject, see photos of competitors, look for your potential subscribers. And leave the account idle during a couple of weeks.

Make your profile creative

Good advice? Yes, to brand new blog or business page in Instagram it is necessary to leave and not to do any action in it. You said about yourself, give visitors time to look at you.

You should pick the images, photos, make a list of most popular hashtags, work out the development strategy of the account. Even worry about the number of posts and their regular appearance. Believe, two weeks will fly away. You'll not even have enough time to analyze the positions of competitors. After all, you need to stand out from their background, to bring something new, not repetitive.

What pitfalls exist in Instagram?

The social network lives by slightly different rules and laws, the violation of which leads to a ban or shutdown at a specific time. Therefore, you should adhere to them and act very carefully, without fanaticism. The worst violation – excessive activity in your account, which will necessarily lead to a ban.

If any social networking spam is considered a mass mailing of invitations to groups, friends or commenting on posts, then in Instagram you are allowed to leave likes, comments, reposts, subscribe on other accounts.

But there is one “but”: there should not be more than 150 different actions in one account. If it is more, administration looks at them as at probable spam, and as a consequence – a temporary lock button “subscribe”, “leave a like” or “comment”. If after unlocking the user continues the same action, then the account indefinitely will get the inevitable ban.

And of course, monitor the content and user complaints. I don't think that you will begin to break the unwritten laws for photos that are accepted in all social networks. This is not to agitate someone somewhere, not to sell drugs and weapons, do not post photos in the format of “18+”.

What to do next in Instagram?

So, this is a general information about how to start account in Instagram, how to register and what not to do. I hope it will save your time and nerves with the further development and promotion of the blog in the social network.

Your next steps in promoting IG acc

Try to stick to a certain style in formation account. High-quality photos, interesting descriptions and a few key hashtags will help draw attention to your young blog in Instagram. There is a lot of programs to enhance photos, create collages of photos, adding text, different effects. Get creative and analyze what points are more attracted to your subscribers.

What to write about?

To on you signed up, your account should be interesting and lively. Make an account, representing a simple showcase of products, is also an option, but not effective. Why sign up for card of the online store?

So, first you need to come up with categories, about which you will write and compile weekly, create a monthly posts plan. What headings should you choose? Please find a couple of tips:

● Product

In this section you tell about your product or service. Examples of finished works, your unique trading advantages — all here. Yes, it is direct advertising. So for user won't get tired of it, your ads should be interesting. Come up with an original flow, create your own unique style, start a mini-series about the adventures of your product. Even the most ordinary commodity, not different from the competition, will win against counterparts due to the influence of cool content.

Spoiler: at the end of this article you will find here inspiration, where you will learn, as do other brands.

● Useful

Make useful materials on the theme of your business. For example, if you have a Barber shop, ask your masters to make a series of videos with variations of simple hairstyles that anyone can do at home.

And then share them metered, for example, once a week, your followers will have to wait for the next series. A variety of life hacks, advice from specialists — all this will keep your subscribers and play on your credibility as experts in their field.

Next time we'll talk about your Instagram followers number increase! See you in other further materials.

● News & Discounts

Inform your customers about your new products and special offers via Instagram. Why does it better than simply write a post on the brand's website? Usually, people visit the company's website only if they are really going to purchase your goods or order your services. So, here is an advantage: tell them what you got and make them buy even when this thought hasn't crossed their minds. 3 examples:

  1. Make a photo of your new product and write a short list of its features in the description. Leave a link to your website prompting followers to find out more.
  2. Write an announcement of the event dedicated to your brand. If this is an opened event, invite your customers and explain why they should go and support you.
  3. Add information about a discount. You can dedicate the whole post to the special offer, or only mention it under another kind of publications.

Use our Instagram follow bot to schedule your posts. It will allow you combining all those methods without repetitions and at the best time.

Special tips

And now, please find a couple of very special advices. Hope they'll be helpful:

● Creative inspiration.

Lot of people regularly ask me “Instagram is a so huge social network. How to make my account more attractive and interesting to my followers?!” The secret is quite simple – take a look at profiles like:

ronaldo slowly dance

★ @selenagomez
★ @cristiano
★ @kimkardashian
★ @justinbieber
★ @nickiminaj
★ @jlo

You will be 100% impressed and inspired by things you'll discover in the celebs accounts. It is not surprising, because these people, though, are world celebrities, create content that can captivate millions of followers. Many of their used techniques (no need to go far for an example, remember the same “selfie”) are subsequently wide distributed among users of all social networks. And there are lot of such examples. For more inspiration, please check the List of most followed users on Instagram.

● Make your photo-content outstanding with the best online photo-services & editors

As You already know, photos are the main content of the social network Instagram. And the more bright, colorful and interesting pictures You will post on the web, the more chances that Your followers will show interest in them you get. That is true, if we're talking about simple type of account. And if You set yourself the target to create a business account in Instagram, you should understand that the level of the level of Your sales will almost directly depend on Your content.

So don't loose your time, choose the most suitable online service listed below and create a bright and fascinating content. Let Your followers gasp with delight!

● BeFunky
● PicMonkey
● PixLR
● iPiccy
● Phixr

All the listed services and photo-editors work online. So, you have no need to install any special software, creating content directly in your browser. For sure, there is a little difference in tools, but anyways you’ll choose the most comfortable especially for you!

All kinds of pictures

Apart from web-based software, you can use popular mobile photo editing applications. They are suitable for those who like to post pictures via mobile phone. The best apps for great photos available in Play Market and AppStore are:
Photo edited using Vsco:
Next time we'll talk about your Instagram followers number increase! See you in other further materials.

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