Instagram Promotion In A Particular Location: Just Rock This Town!

Instagram Promotion In A Particular Location

Even if you are tired of time-consuming and fruitless attempts to promote your account on Instagram, you shouldn't give up. You just need to find some new Instagram promotion ideas for your inspiration. And we are here to provide you with them.

Start your Instagram promotion with your TA identification

All experts in Instagram promotion agree about one point. One of the main things that your success will be based on is the right identification of the target audience for your promotion. In other words, you should clearly understand who can be interested in the content that you share on your account or in the services/products that you offer via your account.

Instagram promotion

It's clear that if you have an online shop that offers products for babies, it's hardly possible that male Instagram users under 18 y.o. will be interested in following you. And this problem is not related to the quality of your products, the problem is that these people just do not have children.There is another example for you. If you own a cafe in the center of Madrid and are trying to gain followers among youngsters living in China, what results can you expect to get? Once again, people won't follow you not because of the problems with your posts or your services but because they just won't see any sense in following the account of a Spanish cafe while they are living in China.

But how to promote your account among residents and visitors of a particular area? With BB Instagram promotion services, it is amazingly simple! Just 3 minutes – and your posts will reach your potential followers based in a concrete place.

Sounds great? Let's start!

Instagram promotion ideas: get followers from a particular location

setting new promotion

To make all my explanations clearer and easier, I've decided to offer for your consideration a real example. Let's suppose that you have the above-mentioned cafe in Madrid and want to promote your account and attract new visitors, of course.

How do you think who can become your potential clients? Of course, people who live in Madrid and people who come to Madrid for holidays and business trips.

Yes, while you do not offer worldwide delivery, you need to look for your potential visitors in Madrid.

So, if we have already decided what we have to do, it's time to do it.

Open your BB account and press the New promotion button.

add new locations

There you will see several strategies for your Instagram promotion.

Now we will focus on your promotion based on locations.

That's why you should:

  • Choose the Locations section.
  • Enter the location names.
  • Add your promotion.

As you see, you just need to make 3 clicks to promote your posts among Instagrammers who post their pics and videos in the specific locations.

What places can you add?

If you want to reach locals:

  • universities (if your cafe is targeted at youngsters);
  • shopping centers;
  • locations near your cafes;
  • other cafes (=your competitors).

If you want to interact with tourists as well:

  • popular attractions;
  • museums;
  • parks;
  • hotels.

As soon as you fulfill these steps, your promotion begins.

Additional Instagram promotion services

Of course, when you promote a cafe or restaurant on Instagram, promotion in a specific area is extremely important. But my advice is not to limit your promotion to this strategy only.

I have a couple of other ideas for you.

If you have already found the accounts of your successful competitors, now it will help you. If not, then it's high time to do it. Are you wondering why you need them? Just because we will use them for your promotion.

I offer you just to “steal” their followers. If these people follow some accounts of cafes in Madrid, there are real chances that they will like your account (and cafe as well). That's why it is really sensible to establish interaction with these people just in a couple of seconds.

enter new name
  • Open the Followers section.
  • Enter the usernames of your competitors' accounts.
  • Add promotion.

You can also choose an option to interact only with those users who like the posts on these accounts and leave comments. It will help you to attract only active followers.
In such a way, you will manage to win the attention of those followers who can be potentially interested in cafes located in Madrid. How you can understand, these people can easily move from the category of just followers to the category of your visitors. Isn't it your final goal?

If you want to learn more about this strategy, I recommend you to read one of our previous articles on this issue. It is called Let's Steal Followers From Your Competitors: How To Promote Yourself On Instagram?

Free Instagram promotion idea

enter new name

Though these two above-mentioned strategies could be just enough for successful promotion, it could be rather sensible to pay attention to one more trick (moreover, it's free).

If you want your posts to appear in searches of your potential followers, you need to add some popular hashtags to your captions.

But how to find these tags to be added? Use our hashtag generator and enjoy the growing number of visitors of your cafe.

There are several options for finding the appropriate hashtags. And one of them presupposes just uploading your pic.

Moreover, you can also search for popular hashtags using a keyword or adding a link to an existing post. Just choose a variant that is the most convenient for you, copy the best hashtags and add to your posts. Too simple to be a reality? But it's real, my friend.

my frends

What benefits BB Instagram promotion will bring you:

  • Growing number of followers;
  • Growing number of clients/buyers/visitors;
  • Increasing income;
  • Interesting collaborations.

Ready to start? Just do it!

And don't be afraid of experiments. We are always ready to help you!

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