How to change Twitter name with your phone and computer

How to change Twitter name with your phone and computer

Have you decided to change name on Twitter? Do you want to become more anonymous or more recognizable? There is nothing complicated about changing Twitter name in comparison with Facebook. We know that Facebook allows you to change the name only once in a few months, but with Twitter, you have an opportunity to modify Twitter names even every day.

We have two names on the platform: Twitter screen name and username (starting with @ icon).

how to change Twitter name

The variance between a “Twitter screenname” and “@name”

The difference is a simple one. We indicate our username to make it a unique one for a Twitter app: to differentiate the profile URLs, to log in to your Twitter profile, to massage with others. We specify our screen name for other Twitter users to recognize us on Twitter. So, usually, people enter their real name (a display one) or slightly modified.

The screen name is placed under the profile picture above the username.

The username or a Twitter handle is therefore under the screen name and has @ icon.

Note: if you change @ name on Twitter having a verified account, then be ready to lose the verification icon near your profile.

change Twitter name

How to change Twitter name on phone

  1. Changing Twitter username
  • switch to your Twitter app on the phone (login entering email/password if necessary);
  • press on your three horizontal lines on the left at the top corner;
  • tap on Settings and privacy, then choose Account line;
  • press on username and modify it for a new one (no more than 15 symbols);

If you see green “Available,” then your @name is a unique one.

  • don’t forget to press on the “Save” icon.
change name on Twitter
  1. Changing Twitter display name
  • again open your Twitter page using the downloaded app;
  • switch to the profile choosing profile image on the left at the top corner;
  • press on the profile or pick out again its image;
  • press on Edit profile window;
  • you may modify your screen name under the profile picture using even emojis but no more than 50 symbols; name uniqueness is not so important here.
change my name on Twitter

How to change my name on Twitter with a computer

  1. How to edit Twitter handle
  • switch to your Twitter page on pc;
  • choose “More” in the right menu list;
  • pick out Settings and privacy and select “Your account” line;
  • select Account information on the right menu ;
  • enter your password if necessary;
  • pick out a username and modify it until Twitter accept it as an “exclusive” one;
  • tap on the Save button.
Twitter names
  1. How to change display name on Twitter
  • switch to your Twitter page on pc to change real name on Twitter;
  • press on your account image and pick out the Edit profile icon;
  • enter a preferred name in the Name line between profile image and bio;
  • use up to 50 characters and don’t bother about uniqueness as here Twitter accepts different names;
  • don’t ignore the Save button.
changing Twitter name
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