How To Become Popular On Instagram? Some Secrets That You May Not Know!

Popular On Instagram

Though some people may think that there is nothing difficult in gaining followers and getting likes, in reality even these actions that seem to be quite simple at first glance require a special approach. I don't say that Instagram promotion is as difficult as quantum physics or the black hole theory, but it still requires some knowledge and understanding.

That's why instead of googling answers to the question of how to become popular on Instagram fast, I just advise you to study attentively some core ideas of promotion that I've prepared for you in this blog post.

How to become popular on Instagram: Ready! Steady! Go!

The range of key aspects that are crucial for making clear before starting your promo campaign includes the definition of the target audience. In other words, you should understand who are those people who can be potentially interested in what you are posting and, consequently, those people who can bring you money either directly or indirectly.

How To Become Popular On Instagram in 2020

And at this very moment, it doesn't matter whether you are running a private blog or a business account.

Let me clarify my idea by using some real examples.

  • If you are selling clothes for babies, who can be potentially interested in your goods? Of course, first of all, young mommies.
  • If you are a manager of a boy band's account, your main TA will be their fans (in this case, teenagers, primarily, girls).
  • If you are a travel blogger, your account can be interesting for a wider audience. The above-mentioned young mommies, teenagers and many-many other people can find it interesting to read about your trips and look through your pics. Nevertheless, when your account will gain its more or less stable audience, it will be possible to identify at least the most general groups of Instagrammers who follow your account and stay active.

What parameters are used to limit your target groups?

Note, that it isn't obligatory to apply all them in each your promotion:

  • gender;
  • age;
  • interests;
  • location;
  • account popularity;
  • language.

your target groups

Of course, we never can define exactly the whole range of those who can be potentially interested in our account without trying out different approaches.

That's why my main recommendation is at least once in a while to analyze the effectiveness of your promo and to analyze the statistics provided by Instagram in order to see whether your presumptions were correct.

At different stages of your account growth and, consequently, different stages of your promo strategy realization your approaches to the identification of your may (and should) differ.

How to set up your promo to achieve the best results?

At BigBangram, we are trying to do our best to provide you with our assistance with your promotions. That's why we offer various options for accounts of different sizes.

If you are just starting your Instagram adventures, BB has an option for you.

great idea about how to become popular on Instagram

But even if you are proud to have millions of followers and now are trying to understand how to become more popular on Instagram, we also can offer various options for you.

You should understand that the larger audience you have is, the more strict settings it is recommended to use for your promotion.

Nevertheless, when you are just at the starting point of your IG adventure starting, you should try to reach as many users as possible in order to see who will get interested in the content that you publish.
Let's imagine that you a fashion expert, you are really interested in this topic and have a deep understanding of all its aspects. It is quite expectable that one day you will take a decision to create a blog and to share your vision with the world.

What settings should you use for your promo campaign when your audience now includes just a hundred followers?

For example, it will be a good decision to begin your IG promo with a strategy based on the names of the accounts of your competitors. We will try to interact the followers of your competitors, bearing in mind the idea that if they like the similar content of other fashion bloggers, it is rather logical to make a conclusion that they will like your awesome blog as well.

add new promotions followers

Need more details about this way of promoting your acc? Please, get familiarized with the blog post called Let's Steal Followers From Your Competitors: How To Promote Yourself On Instagram? but now my duty is to provide you with the general overview.

In your case, it will be enough for you just to add the nicknames of the IG accounts that you'd like to establish interaction with.

When you will notice that your audience is beginning to grow you can pick a variant to interact only with those users who actively put likes and leave comments on the posts. This option will limit the TA of your promo campaign only to those users who show a high level of activity on the pages of your rivals or just on similar accounts (if you prefer not to call them rivals).
When you will exceed a mark of at least several thousands of followers and will continue your amazing journey to the top, you may add more restrictions for the target groups of your campaigns.

instagram account enter name

For example, using filters you can skip users according to their gender, language, type of their accounts that they have.

filters check gender

All the settings applied will be used as a base for all your promotions (based on followers, locations, hashtags and targets). You can try out various combinations of campaigns and settings in order to define the most resultful ones and to clearly understand your TA.

In our blog, we have some real examples of how different tools can be applied to various types of accounts. For instance, from the article Hot Instagram Models League Is Waiting For You: Set Up The Promotion! it is possible to learn a variety of sophisticated ways to gain popularity as an IG model.

But only real practice will show you in what way you should promote your own account and the interests of what types of users you need to take into consideration.

To cut the long story short, let me point out the main idea once again: the smaller audience you have, the wider your settings should be.

Nevertheless, the more followers you get, the more attentive you should be in your promotions. Analyze the results of your previous promos, see what settings ensure the highest conversion rates and apply them to your future campaigns.

Good luck, my friends! I am sure that with BB Instagram bot and the right settings, you will manage to conquer the world!

good luck from Sponge Bob

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