Lust for Beauty: Top 10 Interesting Instagram Accounts

A selection of the most interesting Instagram accounts to help you learn about art, fashion, photos, and cinema.

Skeptics think that Instagram is a bunch of cats, legs and food, or an opportunity to observe people's personal lives. Instagram is a live photo magazine of creative personalities and world-famous organizations. We represent the most fascinating and useful accounts on Instagram, which is worth following.


@colorpalette.cinema instagram

As a rule, when it comes to a particular film, the names of filmmakers and actors come to mind. But the perception of the frame depends on the film artists. Change the film artist – and the film will make a 180-degree change, even if all the same actors and directors are involved.

The @colorpalette.cinema account is finally designed to pay attention to this flagrant injustice. There are posted frames from famous and not very films and TV shows, accompanied by a palette of shades used in this particular scene. For example, there are only shades of blue and black at the moment from the movie “Exorcist”. You can see nothing but beige and brown shades in the scene from Spike Jonze's picture “Her,” which Joaquin Phoenix takes a shower. Moreover, this account will help facilitate the selection of clothes and combinations in the interior – it is thanks to the color palettes that you can see which shades fit together.



The Victoria and Albert Museum is rightfully considered to be one of the main museums in Great Britain. This place is especially appreciated among fashion fans because there are regular exhibitions dedicated to eminent designers. The Instagram account is a direct continuation of the museum's expositions. An expert gives a detailed comment under each publication. In general, fashion historians and art lovers should definitely follow.



While the weather does not attract spending time on the street, you can devote your free time to studying inspiring films of a New Wave. If you do not know how to approach this period in the cinema, the thematic @nouvellevaguefr account will come to the rescue.

An ideal account for anyone who hates long photo captions. Here you will find only footage and short videos from films with their names in the descriptions, as well as photographs of Paris by Henri Cartier-Bresson or Helmut Newton. Young Alain Delon, Anna Karina, Catherine Deneuve, Gene Seeberg, Jane Birkin, and other heroes look at each other with enamored eyes and wear clothes that modern designers would envy. In general, it's a universal Instagram in order to be inspired by both cinema and fashion.



Everything that you wanted to know about classical art, but were afraid to ask, the official account of the Louvre will tell you. Museum specialists speak not only about the everyday life of the famous monastery and planned events, but also analyze the masterpieces of sculptors and artists. The @museelouvre account raises issues of the symbolism of color, the meaning of gestures and poses, the story of the depicted historical figures. Here you can find a lot of valuable knowledge.



The famous association of Magnum photographers has existed for a long time, now its “branch” has appeared on Instagram. In the account of the same name, you can see not only the best examples of photo art but also read about the history of a particular frame, as well as find out the biography of your favorite master. It is a flawless page from aesthetic and cognitive points of view.



The @hermitage_museum account is as diverse and informative as possible – from ancient sculptures to the works of Anselm Kiefer, from painting to jewelry. It is ideal for those who come to St. Petersburg again and again and can not see all masterpieces. It's a real treasure and pure pleasure for art lovers.



It is the focus of classical art, as well as the art of the ancient world. The account of the British Museum will be useful primarily to those who want to get comprehensive information about the disappeared civilizations. Daily reading of one of the most interesting Instagram accounts is quite capable of replacing a course of lectures on the history of art. It's a great time saver!



Wong Kar Wai, or Chinese beauty. This page is dedicated to individuals who want to understand the art of director Wong Kar Wai. In this account, you can find notes about Wong Kar Wai's color obsession and absolute flux of consciousness. There are a lot of thoughtful, deep, mournful quotes of people who feel very intensely, who love and hate with a fiery passion that bursts out in the garish, expressive aesthetics of the films.



The excellent account of the Metropolitan Museum deserves no less attention than the museum itself: the detailed comments provided with the publications on the page replace the professional guide. Perhaps the main feature of the account is that contemporary art is on an equal footing with ancient art, as well as with fashion. This allows you to get the widest picture of cultural life on a global scale and not get bored with the monotony of art history posts.



When we visit this page we read in the Bio, “Poetry is untranslatable, like the whole of art”. This ideal account for those who are crazy about films d'auteur from all over the world. Why are Andrei Tarkovsky's works so unforgettable? What techniques does Wong Kar Wai use to create an intimate romantic atmosphere? What did Stanley Kubrick give the world of cinema? You will find the answers in this cinema geek account.

How to promote interesting Instagram accounts?

If you have a passion for the cinema (or art) and thematic account, the Bigbangram team can help you start promoting on Instagram!

How does the Bigbangram team work?

First of all, we define goals and tasks. For example, the goal for a cinematic account is to reach the target audience on Instagram and attract it to interact with the account.

When we know the goal, we can determine tasks:

  • create a modern profile comply with all the Instagram trends;
  • develop and implement a content strategy, establish posting on a day-to-day basis;
  • increase the number of profile's followers without using artificial methods of promotion;

When we have defined our goals, tasks, and target audience, we start working:

  • Analyze competitors
  • Create the perfect profile;
  • Develop a content strategy and content plan;
  • Build love communication with your followers.

Stage 1. Basis

A quality profile is the first step to turn a new user into a follower.

We switch the account to a business account, indicate the category of business, adjust the nickname and profile's photo, prepare the text for the Bio section, connect the communication buttons and create the “Highlights” section.

Stage 2. Content plan

Content is the tool that makes a regular reader out of each follower.

We carefully create a content promotion strategy on Instagram.

1. Making a theme plan

What does this mean? We alternate promo posts with informational and entertaining content. The promo block includes posts on conducting masterclasses or on the publication of new annotations. Information posts are posts about holding film festivals or releasing new films. Entertainment posts are all posts aimed at getting feedback from the audience (polls, chats, etc.).

2. Looking for stability

If posts are published without a schedule with large time gaps, this negatively affects the scope. We compile the optimal schedule based on the analysis of competitors. The optimal publishing time depends on the hours of audience activity.

The tool for post publications at a specific time is the Scheduled Posting that saves time and allows you to create a visual grid.

3. Formats variety

We are not limited to creating posts in the “photo + text” format and supplement this format with “carousels” (several photos in one post) and videos. They also create a TV channel for videos from 1 to 10 minutes long and implemented Stories for brief announcements and communication with followers.

4. Appearance

Instagram is a social network focus on visual content, all around. We help to develop the attractive appearance of an account on Instagram. Do you have problems with inspiration? We've prepared the article called ‘Top 5 Ideas What to Post on Instagram'. Read and get inspired!

5. Hashtags in full swing

Based on an analysis of competitors and their content, we compile a list of related, niche, and non-niche tags that are suitable for use in frequency and topic. We select tags for each post individually.

6. The value of texts

The cinematic theme allows you to tell the target audience a lot of interesting things. Therefore, despite the visual bias of Instagram, we worked especially carefully on the texts of the posts in order to engage the audience in interacting with the content and transfer followers to the rank of readers.

Stage 3. Promotion

When the profile is prepared visually and filled with content, we can start attracting the target audience.

1. Mass-liking and mass-following in manual mode

Followers metric has a secondary function of persuasion. If new users see that there is already an audience in the profile, they are more likely to follow it, since it is credible. To increase the count of followers, we start with mass-follow and mass-liking.

You can use third-party services that automatically like and follow. But this type of promotion is prohibited on Instagram. In order not to take risks, we follow in manual mode, i.e. we like and follow the CA profiles observing the limits (no more than 100 followers per day). This approach requires more time but increases the percentage of response followings.

2. Direct communication

Communication through Direct is one of the most popular ways to communicate on Instagram.

Let us single out the most common types for mailouts:

  • Informing messages. We send messages about news or offers to the current followers.
  • Welcome messages for new followers;
  • Collaboration messages for a special list of followers.

We makeup and send messages thanks to Bigbangram Direct Messenger. It helps to engage with followers and build up a relationship of trust with them.

Final words

If you have a dream but you don't know how to start your promotion on Instagram… It's high time to visit a Bigbangram agency. We help you to become freaking popular on Instagram!

freaking popular on Instagram

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