Instagram Feed On Website: Can It Change Your Business?

Instagram Feed On Website

If you want to increase your website conversion, attract new visitors and increase your sales, try using Instagram feed on website.

Instagram widget is a unique pop-up window that allows you to personalize your website based on the needs of your business. At the same time, it encourages visitors to make any actions on the site, thereby increasing conversion and sales, carry out all new orders.

For example, you can use a variety of widgets, such as subscribing to your mailouts, searching for your business in social networks, making a purchase, or help support, the current news feed of your Instagram account, etc. Besides, you can use a widget that will directly lead your future customer to your brand's Instagram account.

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It is not difficult to configure such widgets, but they are much more useful. To configure you need a special plugin that you can install and use all the functionality yourself, without assistance. In this case, you will be able to adjust the selected widget, add or remove its components. With the built-in analytics of such a plugin, you can analyze the result of using a particular Instagram widget and determine whether the option you choose is suitable for your business or not.

If you still have doubts about the real benefits of using Instagram widget on your site, we have prepared for you 10 reasons to start using this feature now.

10 benefits of Instagram feed on the website

#1. Increase brand awareness and reach

Putting your Instagram feed on the home page of a website will help you increase brand awareness and overall reach several times. In addition, when a user is on your site he can easily access to view all the relevant information without leaving the site.

If this small piece of your Instagram feed will interest the user, then he can begin to follow you in this social network. And this, in turn, will increase not only the coverage and brand awareness and will work to increase orders.

#2. Increase activity on the site

Thanks to special plugins that customize the widgets on your site, you will be able to decorate and diversify the design of the site, thereby pushing users to view and explore the site in more detail.

Thus, you can increase the activity rate on your site. You hold the attention of users for a long time and turn them into the category of customers.

Pleasant visual component encourages customers to make a purchase and increases overall brand loyalty.

#3. Increase the accuracy of the content

Today, it is not enough to have only a website of your brand on the Internet where you place the info about all goods and services. Also, it needs to be promoted in other social networks to achieve even greater popularity and general interest of the audience. To do this, you need to create brand accounts in the most popular networks and leave links to all channels of communication with you in your profiles.

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Instagram feed widget will help you not just to leave a dry and uninteresting link to your account in this social network, but also to make the initial acquaintance with the account from the most positive visual point of view. With it, you will be able to immediately interest the client not only in the brand but also in goods, services, reviews and the overall popularity.

#4. Increase user engagement and interaction

An interesting and relevant widget will always be in sight of the visitor and will work on the emergence of interest for further research. In this way, you engage customers for long-term work and long-term cooperation.

Besides, adding a widget to the site allows users to immediately find your page, and then using hashtags to find all the latest information from other users about working with you, the quality of goods and services and the overall impression about the brand.

This ensures that customers interact with each other and builds a strong chain of loyal clients.

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#5. Increase time spent on the site

Because the user does not need to leave your site to get acquainted with your Instagram profile – his activity increases. It means that the chance he will be interested in something else increases several times.

Thus, it increases not only the time spent on the site but also the possibility that he will make his first order after the first visit to your site.

#6. Develop transactional marketing

Transactional marketing is a specific strategy that is based on increasing sales without building a long-term relationship with the client. As a rule, different methods of attracting and retaining the customer's attention on the site are used for this. Instagram widget refers to one of these methods and tools.

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The built-in widget can push the user to make a quick purchase, without a systematic study of the company, reviews, product quality, etc.

#7. Create visual content

If you compare the visual appearance of the site and Instagram account, you will agree, the second wins. Instagram has many more opportunities for coloring your profile with interesting and visually attractive content than the website.

However, using the Instagram widget, you can colorize your site too, and add appeal to the overall visual content. This has a positive effect on creating a first impression of the brand. Instagram widget adds a bright and rich life to a boring and gray site.

#8. Connect social with commerce

Creating your social image on the Internet is a necessary component of any successful business in the 21st century. Having an attractive and convenient website, as well as accounts in popular social networks can increase customer loyalty and sales, general awareness and trust in the brand, as well as build long-term relationships with customers.

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Using the widget, you connect not only your social image and the present but also add the commercial component of your business, as it increases the chances of creating demand for your product and then turning it into sales.

#9. Increase conversion and sales

As we have already known, using Instagram feed on your website increases your reach and overall user engagement, which then affects conversions and sales.

Thus, learning more and more details about your brand, users will move from the category of possible buyers to the category of regular customers and thus increase the sales.

Instagram widget for your site works only if you actively maintain your profile in the social network and work in detail on its visual component because it will play a crucial role in the success of the implemented widget.

#10. Play on the pleasant experience of the client

If going to your site, the user will have only a pleasant experience, you can assume that half the work has already been done because you could interest the audience and encourage them to re-visit the site and the desire to learn more about your brand.

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Thus, you increase the time of its interaction with the brand, which then has a beneficial effect on the number of orders.


Instagram feed on website can become your additional tool for making your business as effective as possible! Try to embed this feature on your site and appreciate all the cool benefits of using it!

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