How to download and reuse content to make money on Instagram

download Instagram videos

If you are an entrepreneur, most likely social networks are not leisure for you, but a necessity. The level of loyalty and engagement of the audience depends on how well the brand business account is designed, which ultimately translates into financial profit. Therefore, it is very important to pay due attention to how your account looks. The Instagram page needs to be constantly updated. If you have not published anything for a long time, you will disappear from the feed of even the most devoted readers and will be forgotten shortly. But what if there is no opportunity to shoot new content due to employment or a fantasy crisis? Today we are going to walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to keep making money on this social network through content reuse.

Reasons why you should recycle content

As folk wisdom says, the new is the well-forgotten old. The current trend is forcing us to reuse old things to take care of the environment. Indeed, why don't you reuse plastic, metal, or other products? But perhaps you didn't think about the fact that you can also reuse digital content. Of course, if you download videos Instagram and re-post them, this will unlikely affect global warming, this hack will save you a lot of time that you can spend on something really valuable.

Republishing content is an opportunity to get a return on the work already done. That is, you take previously published content and create a new publication from it. Sometimes the post needs to be slightly changed, for example, to leave the old photo and correct the text. But most often, the text in the signature can be left unchanged, but simply add a new visual.

4 reasons why republish:

  1. To remind the audience of useful materials. For example, influencers once a year repeat a post with a piece of short information about themselves for new subscribers to their blog.
  2. Update the content for those who got to know the blog later and didn't see the old posts.
  3. Maintain search rankings. Search engines love to provide relevant content. The republished posts are just as good as the new ones. Updating content will help with promotion.
  4. Save effort. To write new text, take photos and videos, you need to do a lot of work. By updating an old post, you get new content without having to re-create it.

Repetition of posts is especially relevant for those who publish something every day and the feed fills up quickly or whose audience is growing very quickly and need to constantly convey the same information to new subscribers.

recycle content
download videos Instagram and re-post

Here is an example how a Russian-speaking lifestyle blogger from Sweden repeats the same text about once a year with a new photo. The post-acquaintance, where the girl talks about herself, was published first on October 20, 2020, and then repeated on September 13, 2021, so that new subscribers could get basic information.

How to download previously published content

If you want to reuse some content that you've previously posted, you can find it in the gallery on your phone or computer. But the easiest way is to download it directly from the social network using free Instagram downloader. This method not only saves you time, it will also help you out. If you accidentally deleted an old video or photo from your device or erased it from the cloud storage.

download and reuse content

The service for downloading videos and photos from Instagram was designed so that both small children and the elderly, and in general any user who does not have special computer skills, can use it. Here is what the main page looks like. There is nothing superfluous here, everything is very simple and intuitive. You understand for sure. Do not miss the big pink “Download” button.

For example, if you are working on a computer, then open the desired post in the browser and click on the three dots in the upper right corner. After that, click on the “Copy link”.

download previously published content
 free Instagram downloader

After that, go to the Bigbangram website and paste the link into the address bar. Press the pink button and wait 30 seconds. Next, we decided to check out the famous Nike brand account. The service showed that more than 800 videos are available for download. But to start downloading, you need to go through a simple registration and create an account with your email and password, as shown below.

republish a post
how to republish a post

After the registration procedure, you can choose which profile data you want to save. Just check the box for the publications you need, as shown in the illustration below.

Change the visual

Please note that you can only download content from your personal profile or from public profiles you will not be able to download videos or photos if the account is private. By the way, the principles in this article are valid not only for Instagram. Read how to download content from Facebook to any device in our blog.

How to republish a post

If you have good content on your blog, don't let it go to the bottom of the feed where your new followers can't reach. Update your blog with old content. There are two options to give content a new life.

Option 1 – Edit an old post

  1. Select a post to edit. Find old material (at least a year old) that at one time got the most likes and got a good reaction from your audience.
  2. Update the text. See what you can add to delve deeper into the topic. Include additional content, examples, your new experience in the material. Make sure all information is up-to-date.
  3. Publish a post with a new date and add new hashtags to it.

By the way, it’s very easy to quickly find trending and relevant hashtags on a topic with the Bigbangram hashtag generator. It is as simple as a service for downloading images and videos. You need to enter one or two keywords so that artificial intelligence automatically generates a set of necessary tags.

Bigbangram hashtag generator

Option 2 – Change the visual and keep the old text.

If you have photos, you can take a new photo and add it to the old post. If you have a video, then you can simply change the cover.

Some people are afraid to republish content because they associate it with duplication. But copying posts on Instagram is not the same as SEO. Social network algorithms don't require your text to be 100% unique. In addition, you can publish photos of other users and provide a link. Read how to repost on Instagram in our blog.

Republishing materials is necessary to remind the audience of useful articles. Choose the best way for you to republish the post. In any case, you will have to add additional information and examples to the article. And make sure all the data is up-to-date.

How to fill an account without creating your own content

You will be surprised, but in order to become popular and start making money on Instagram, it is not at all necessary to shoot your own videos, take breathtaking photos or write engaging texts. Now we will show by example that you can quite successfully use someone else's content.

To do this, you first need to decide on the topic of your blog. For example, fitness and training. Then you can find a list of influencers who make workout videos and copy their content. 

Here is an example of American female athlete Ruba Ali (official @realrubaali account with 1.9 million users). Ruba posts new workouts almost every day. She lives in New Jersey, USA and speaks English and Arabic. Her workouts are without sound, they only have music. Here is her official account.

account without creating your own content

And here are two blogs that copied Ms. Ali's posts and successfully published them on their page. At the same time, they did not violate the creative right, as they both provided a link to the original account. 

making money on Instagram
breathtaking photos

We can say that with this approach, everyone wins. If you have a young account and can't afford to constantly generate new content, you can build a whole page of successful videos on your topic. This is what blogs in the fields of fitness, recipes, travel, and many others do all the time. And the original author of the content will also not be offended if others give him free advertising. The main thing is not to forget to indicate the link to the source.

Another option on how to quickly download several videos from your favorite public profile at once is to download all the materials of the account at once using the Instagram profile downloader.

Instagram profile downloader

All Bigbangram services have a similar structure and a similar download algorithm. You need to copy the link (in this case, to the profile) and paste it into a line on the main page. After that, press the pink button, and the service will show you how many files are available for download.

After a simple authorization procedure, all these materials will be available to you at once.

Some service benefits:

  • It is very easy to use and has an intuitive interface.
  • There is nothing superfluous. Just one button.
  • Very fast. You need to wait no more than 30 seconds.
  • No restrictions. All that limits you is your internet speed.
  • You do not need to install programs on your computer or smartphone.
  • The service works in any browser.
  • It doesn't matter what operating system or electronic device you have.
  • Confidentiality of your personal data.

Important facts about downloading content with Bigbangram

Below we have collected answers to the most frequently asked questions that concern many users.

  1. The quality of the content downloaded by this program from an Instagram profile is always original. Service does not make it worse or better. The format, resolution, and quality of the picture and sound do not change. You always get what was posted.
  2. This is 100% legal. You can download materials that are in the public domain without restrictions. Users who want real privacy choose a private profile in the settings. You can download photos, videos, avatars pictures, and any text without limitation.
  3. The service is not affiliated with Instagram. It does not ask for any of your personal information (login, password, or social network nickname).
  4. The program works in any browser on any operating system (Windows, IOS, MAC, Linux). It doesn't matter if you work from a smartphone, tablet, computer, you will always get the same result.
  5. The service is 100% anonymous. The author of the publication will not know who and when downloaded his content. You just need to know the nickname to download materials. But this only works for public profiles. If a particular profile of interest is private, you can't download any materials.

So, we hope that our tips will be useful to you when working with your content. Using the service, you can download photos, videos, and even an entire profile. You will not violate copyright law if you publish someone else's material on your blog. The main thing is to always indicate a link to the original account.

If you have a well-thought-out blog concept and well-chosen materials, you can quite succeed. One last idea. If you live in a country where the official language is not English and your blog is in some other language, you can take content from English-speaking bloggers and simply translate it. Believe me, this is how you can win over your audience. Many users will be grateful to you and will be happy to subscribe to your account. By making such selections, you can earn very good money on Instagram. Downloading and posting re-used content saves you a lot of time and effort and allows you to quickly update your feed. It remains only to choose an idea for a blog. Maybe it will be culture, art, sports, healthy eating or financial literacy. The choice of topics is huge. We are sure that with our tools you will succeed.

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