Instagram Makeup Artist Real Case: +150 Clients in 3 Month!

Instagram Makeup Artist

Instagram is a giant visual marketing platform, where artists in various fields represent their works. Regardless of you are doing makeup or paintings, proper selling strategy on Instagram will bring you brand awareness and loyal customers. Unfortunately, you can't reach +10 sales a day with a bare portfolio and offline reputation. Successful makeup artists usually promote with an SMM agency or a group of marketers. But it costs money and takes time. We'll tell you how to benefit starting at just $1 – our real client attracted over 150 followers who turn into clients in 3 months.

What will online service supply with new clients? How should a makeup artist promote online?

Discover multi-purpose service and a real-life example on how to get more clients in makeup. Skyrocket your makeup artistry career!

From scratch to the moon: Hot clients tool

Hot clients tool

Yes, an aesthetic Instagram page will undoubtedly bring you like-minded audience. But you need to earn money! Don't miss a second and try the service to gain real profits – Hot clients. The investment repays in a heartbeat. What will you get?

  • Crazy engagement. The more likes and followers you get, the more chances your content appear on the Explore section. Real engagement will make you an influencer in your niche. There is a high chance that you'll get sponsorship from cosmetic brands, local studious, fashion companies. The tool will auto-like and auto-mail instead of you so that fame won't grab all your free time.
  • Niche clients. Indicating target clients on your own is time-consuming. Hot client's instruments will suggest to you those who are interested in your services and awaiting the offer. Niche hashtags, keywords, and post type let you keep in touch with like-minded people, monitor the trends all over the world. Hot clients will drive you on the most popular tags in your field and location.
  • Worldwide recognition. There is a higher chance your Instagram portfolio will be noticed abroad. In a short time, you will be surprised by how many international requests you will receive. The tool will help you to focus on the desired location and analyze what is popular in other markets!

What Hot Clients tool has to offer?

  • Hashtags. Customize the hashtags according to the niche (wedding makeup, commercial, etc.). The service will recommend related tags automatically. According to the settings, the correlated posts will appear on the in-house feed.
  • Location. Establish one or several spots you want to win the clients. Monitor the areas of the competitors to attract their customers.
  • Templates. Commenting and private messaging are getting clear-cut and swift! Create DMs and comments in advance, and the service will spread them across the audience.
  • Granular news. It's crucial not to miss a trend when you do arts and makeup. The integral feed will suggest the posts you want to see and the hottest news. Follow suit!

The listed builds-in promoted and supplied with real clients, numerous artists, and MUAs. Further, we reveal the real-case story of the MUA from Tel Aviv. How did Shahaf Biton get +150 new requests for makeup in 3 months? Explore the detailed strategy below!

Ready to get your hot clients?

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Instagram makeup artist true story:
learn step-by-step

makeup artist true story

Who is Shahaf Biton?
She is a freelance makeup artist from Israel. She creates fresh and natural makeup for brides and fashion shoots. Shahaf is doing master classes all over the world.

What was the aim of the promotion?
Generally, Shahaf Biton intended to attract more brides, leaving freedom as a freelancer. She listed the following goals:

  • win the audience in the bridal makeup niche;
  • get at least +30 clients a month;
  • get represented by an agency;
  • get sponsored by cosmetic brands.

Instagram before Hot clients:

  • 10 DMs a day;
  • 3/10 DMs resulted in sales.

Instagram while running Hot clients for 3 months:

  • +12 DMs daily;
  • +150 requests from brides and models;
  • representation in AgentPro agency.

Inspired and ready to go? Learn what we suggest to do:

#1 Express your authentic style

number of followers

New content is uploaded on Instagram every second, so the competition is severe. You have only 5 seconds to explain a visitor who you are and why they should pay you. They should get you are a unique artist without reading a bio. Otherwise, they leave. Discover how to make an aesthetic profile and rules from Shahaf Biton:

  • don't mix personal and working content;
  • focus on the type of client you want to attract;
  • explore top makeup IG profiles.

How Hot clients helped? Shahaf wanted to get recognized as bridal MUA. So, she adjusted tags showcasing her specialization. Hot clients suggested the most popular related tags depicting the number of posts. Shahaf analyzed the feed on the desired tags and stopped posting every makeup she did. She uploaded bridal looks that were on the cusp, and it worked!

#2 Download catchy content regularly

Pictures of high quality, good natural lightning are essential marketing tips for an MUA. That is what we suggest concerning the content:

  • Post vertical images. That is how your photo grabs more space in the feed, so likely it won't remain unnoticed.
  • Don't use a lot of filters. The makeup on the pic should be the same as in real life. Otherwise, the colors and textures won't be real. We advise you to shoot works in front of the window and correct only brightness/contrast a bit.
  • Cooperate with pro photographers. Firstly, they contribute to your portfolio TFP. Secondly, they know models, work with brides and editorials – your exact clients!

How Hot clients helped?
Shahaf customized the search indicating hashtags. She got in touch with photographers effortlessly – by auto DMs and auto-comments. The location for the search was Tel Aviv. The response rate was incredible – 5 photographers in a day were ready to cooperate and create interactive content. Soon Shahaf reached the agency that represents her by now!

search indicating hashtag

#3 Leverage the connections

Insta shop owners often forget that their account is not just a window shop but an interactive platform. A makeup artist should be engaging and social because the success is coming with testimonials. Don't hesitate to start a conversation, not just replying. How to get noticed quickly?

  • Comment on competitors' posts. Liking pic is good, but people remember comments. Plus, your target clients are likely to notice you as well!
  • Reply to each comment and like it. Set aside several hours a day to build connections with the audience. People who like your work will spread a word if you pay attention to their references. Let's hope one day you will keep in touch with Pat McGrath.

How Hot Clients helped? Shahaf developed suitable for each category mailouts. Comments and DM templates for other MUAs, photographers, stylists, and other creatives will be posted automatically. So, Shahaf remains sincere and save hours!

#4 Manage your Instagram plan

Adopt four tips from the Shahaf's promotion plan for your killer strategy.

  • Define your dream client. Is it a bride, a theatrical makeup, or a commercial?
  • Analyze the competitors. Monitor the other accounts on the niche to pick the working techniques.
  • Prepare a content plan. This blueprint includes the exact time of posting, picture, and capture. Giveaways, tutorials, mood board sharing, are on the peak in the makeup artistry. Create a plane for at least two weeks ahead.
  • Advertise on IG. After you define the audience, target the ads on the feed and Stories.

These rules in combine will do magic to your MUA carrier.

How Hot clients helped? Shahaf used the integrated scheduled posting tool. After creating a plan on Google Docs, she made drafts for the coming 2 weeks. That's how the content was always on time while she mastered the artistic skills!

profile makeup artist

We got the results even better than planned. Brides from Tel Aviv and neighboring cities private message Shahaf every day. All in all, she prepared 120 brides and 20 editorial makeup with Hot Clients promotion! Get the vibe and stay inspired; the pictures are included.

makeup with Hot Clients promotion


IG promotion for a makeup artist is a must since this social platform works as an interactive portfolio. An online service like Hot Clients offers the necessary arsenal of tools all-in-one. Thanks to the consistent strategy, engaging content, and skills, Shahaf defined herself as a TOP bridal MUA. What did she get in three months?

  • +150 niche clients;
  • listing on the agency;
  • boosted engagement;
  • new cooperations!

Stand out of the crowd and market yourself on Instagram right now!

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