Readme. What Makes Your Instagram Account Ugly?

What Makes Your Instagram Account Ugly

When you do something for a long time you can easily take the eye off the ball. Some simple issues of fundamental rules related to Instagram management can be accidentally left out of account. But attention to minor details and adherence to the below-mentioned advice always unite the best commercial Instagram accounts. You can find the answer to the most common question “How to promote your business on Instagram” right here. We will use as the example a few Italian coffee shops. What could be better but a cup of coffee and useful article early in the morning? Make yourself comfortable and benvenuti in Italia!

Keep it clean!

Account name

How you name a boat, is how it will sail. The name of the account should consist of 3 concepts: It should name the brand. It should be easy to spell. And it should catch the eye. A good account name helps the client to find a coffee shop on Instagram and attractive name motivates to check out the account. Plus if you are an active user of any Instagram follow bot or Instagram like bot the eye-catching name will work for your benefit. So check your account name. Is it branded, simple to spell and eye-catching?


When you care about your customers it always pays dividends. Show all useful information in the BIO: opening hours, phone number, address, link to your website etc. Plus you can use bio for sharing great reviews or articles about your business. Take into consideration, that Instagram BIO is the first sign for your client. All should be clear and easily understandable from the first sight, do you agree?

useful information in the BIO


I doubt that everyone aware of the beneficial connection between Facebook and Instagram. Images that are posted on Facebook are also shared on Instagram. So you save your time and effort twice by connecting your accounts. Plus you can run promos via Facebook and share them on Instagram. As a result, you get access to the target audience on both platforms. It saves your money and widens media outreach. Keep your Instagram account connected to your Facebook page, and it will give you great benefit.

Keep it stylish!


Define, find your style and stick to it. Let the user recognize your photos by the first look. Popular Instagram accounts that are pleasant to examine always have this feature — a total look. It can be a specific set of colors or particular design elements. Maybe you have personality, that represents your commercial Instagram account! If there is clutter in the account, it will start creating clutter in the mind of your customer. Do not mix funny memes with high-quality photos. It makes your account messy and ugly. Coffeeholics imagine the world of a coffee shop like a warm, cozy, tasty and stylish place. Give it to them via your commercial account. Photo content may envision an ideal and favorite coffee shop for your target audience and attract it to your place. Every coffeeholic may be sucked into homey and friendly place, just show him yours! Let the atmosphere and style on your Instagram account will be relevant to the presence at your coffee shop.

Instagram like bot the eye-catching

It is not necessary to hire a professional photographer. The quality of mobile photography and adherence to basic rules of photo shooting perform magic. High-quality photos for Instagram can be made by your friend, customer or member of a team. In one day you can create photo content for a month ahead. To make your life easier you can plan offer promotions and schedule all publications via Posting module by BigBangram. The service will post everything on time and provide necessary analytics. So you save your time and observe audience engagement data for 10 euro a month. It costs just like 3 cups of coffee but saves a lot of time.

Tips for great photos:

– Move out of the dark. Try to get natural light on the object. Best advice: take photos near a window.- Change the angle. Time for experiments: put the camera right down to counter level. Or you can shoot straight down from above and get absolutely different effects.

– Use tools for editing. You can apply apps like VSCO or Lightroom to get full control over your photos.- Add quality graphics. Take a look at free apps like Canva, Legend etc.

For some inspiration check the following account of famous and stylish Italian coffee shop here.

Keep it fresh!


Unlock the power of Instagram Stories. This Instagram tool helps to remind every follower how great your business is. News, sales, special offers, presents and other useful information can be very useful for your clients. Some coffee shops even make live broadcasts to show what is happening right at the moment. For example, Faro — Caffè Specialty in Rome makes approximately 20 Instagram Stories a day! Why? The tool helps to understand real media outreach within 24 hours. Plus it's easy to analyze, what publications interest your followers, and what information should be omitted. Plus Instagram Stories is a great tool for increasing engagement rate of your followers. Keep your account fresh, full of news and special offers. Never let any client forget about you.


Reward your loyal followers and nurture newcomers. Send every new follower information about a personal discount. The tool costs approximately 12 euro per month. It's neither complicated nor expensive, but the number of clients will boom. Plus try to give any bonus to people, who mark your coffee shop on Instagram. This kind of marketing is ideal because according to the latest research customers are 90% more likely to buy from brands recommended by friends. Your generosity will return with glory.

Looking for help?

It's very easy and simple tips for brushing up a commercial Instagram account. Do you use all these tips and your account still doesn't work? If you need personal advice from BigBangram professional team, feel free to contact me via live-chat or

advice from BigBangram professional team

I will do a complete analysis of account and give essential recommendations for current and future promos. I will do that absolutely for free in 24 hours since I receive your letter. Don't be shy, I won't bite you. Perhaps 😉

Have a great week, sunshine!

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