The Best Time To Post On Instagram

The Best Time To Post On Instagram

Running a successful Instagram profile begins with detailed planning and choosing of a necessary strategy. It is not enough to create and post a beautiful picture – if you want to promote your brand effectively and to get real followers on Instagram, it is essential to know the preferences of your target audience and to create a detailed content-plan and a calendar of publications.

Regular posting is a way to success

The majority of popular brands prefer posting their Instagram content in particular time and day, and this helps them to keep their audience engaged. There are some general recommendations for choosing the best time of posting, but it does not mean that they are the best one for you. In order to figure out the best time for posting, it is recommended to conduct a research of analytics of your profile.

Graphic of your popularity

When choosing the time to post on Instagram, pay attention to the following things:

● when is your target audience is online – you want to be sure that your post will be seen by as many people as possible;

● in which time and on which days your posts get more likes and comments – this will help you to define the general time of activity of your audience and to modify your content plan accordingly.

According to general statistics, the best time for sharing the Instagram photos is off-work hours during the day:

● morning (7-9 am) – most of Instagram audience love looking through their news feed when they have just woken up, during the breakfast or on their way on work. Therefore, the content posted at this time will attract the attention of your followers;

I need coffee

● lunch time (11am-1pm) – after having worked for a couple of hours your followers will have a lunch break and probably will spend some time looking through their Instagram news feed;

● evening (7-9 pm) – after finishing of the working day your audience are likely to check their Instagram on their way home.

● night (23pm-1am) – some people like checking their social networks before going to bed. Additionally, this is not quite popular time for posting, and your post will be more noticeable.

Generally, social media marketers avoid posting at of 3-5 pm since at this time the percentage of the engagement is the least. However, do not avoid experimenting! Who knows, maybe this time will be the most productive for your account and in this time you willget more likes on Instagram?

Do not overload your followers with information

Best days to post something in instagram

Generally, the pick of engagement among the followers are Wednesdays and Thursdays, and you are welcome to post on Instagram the most important things on these days. On Sundays the Instagram followers are less active being busy with spending time with their families and rest – you can make a break or post something entertaining.

Type real fast

We have defined the most productive periods for posting, and the problem arises – where to get such amount of content? Generally, posting a photo does not take a lot of time, but many serious brands conduct blogs on Instagram and they need to create the necessary amount of written content in order to give their followers some useful tips.

Relax – it is not necessary to post serious articles 4 times a day. Moreover, this will not be useful for the engagement of the followers since they need time in order to study your useful information, and they will not be content if you overload them. Therefore, it is recommended to interchange the useful, entertaining and selling posts and to post them in some particular time.

Scheduled posting on Instagram

We have already decided that the most obvious way of promoting your brand and gettingreal Instagram followers is to fill your account with the content of high quality. However, we are all humans and every one of us is busy on work or studies, family and children. You can forget to post on time, and you will have to re-schedule your content plan adjusting it to the unexpected changes.

Create scheduled posting

Sometimes we do not want to bear in mind that we are to post some content on Wednesday at 1pm and just want to enjoy ourselves. And imagine, how difficult it is to manage several accounts with different content plans and how easy it is to forget to post on time.

Of course, one late post will not ruin the fruits of you work, however, if it violates the regularity of posting, you may lose part of your followers.

Why risking it if you can use the service of scheduled posting offered by Bigbangram? It gives you the opportunity to plan and manage your posts for the nearest time, and the system will publish your photos at the necessary time. If you are not sure, you may use a 3-day trial subscription, and you will definitely appreciate the advantages of this tool.

This turtle is bating

Day & Night Content. Is There Any Difference?

Let's say that you have already found your best time for posting on Instagram. Highly likely, you have chosen two intervals of time throughout the day: morning hours and late evening. What posts are more suitable for day and what for the night? Whether it has the sense to allocate two types of content? Now we will figure it out together.

In the morning, when people wake up and have breakfast, their mood is quite different than in evening after work. The main goal of a morning post is to greet followers and motivate them to have a highly productive and spectacular day. The purposes of evening posts are almost opposite: you wish people good night and offer them something discreet. That's why it's important to follow simple rules:

● Colors:
Day Posts
Bright and light. There might be a lot of colors in a day pic
Night Posts
Soft tones, probably darkened. A pic should look unobtrusively.

● Content:
Day Posts
Contain call-to-actions, dynamic plot or encourage a customer to buy something or participate in a daily contest.
Night Posts
May include a presentation of a new product or some facts about the company. The night is not the right time to call people to buy. A customer is not ready to take actions right now.

● Caption example:
Day Posts
“Hi everybody! Today we offer a 20% discount on a product X. Grab your chance before the day's out. We are waiting for you in DM.”
Night Posts
“Did you know that our product X can …? Read about 5 little-known facts in our blog” (+ a link to the blog article).

The examples of day & night posts:

Day & Night Content. Does it matter?


Successful promoting of the brand on Instagram, like any other work, needs careful planning and development of the strategy. By studying the periods your followers' activity, you will be able to choose the best time for Instagram posting, and Bigbangram will help you to manage the schedule your posts and to keep your audience engaged.

Working day with lunch

What to do if you have no time to post pictures twice a day? Use Bigbangram's Posting Module to make a schedule for automatic publications. Also, we offer some other features which might help you increase Instagram followers with zero work on your part. Find out more about them here.

Fat cat laying down
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