Instagram for Artists. Heartwarming Selection of 10 Best Comics on Instagram.

Instagram for Artists

Why do we need comics? Why these accounts are so popular and time-consuming?

There is the mutual unalloyed pleasure. The creators get self-realization through creative work. They reduce the stress of everyday life and make fun of negative or positive aspects of life. For an artist, a well-made picture is a joy of a soul. And the appreciation of fans is a heart-balm. From the other side, from time to time every person needs a deep deflection from a frozen life or vicious circle of problems. So funny and cute pictures on the web may give them a few smiles. Or make them feel better for a certain period of time. So treat yourself with the article and enjoy the time of reading. Hope, you will smile not once, but repeatedly to the following content.


All you need is love, right? Every person in this cold world drags himself to this warm a cozy feeling. Pictures about love, hugs, and eternal cuteness, that is how the Instagram of Liz Climo can be described. She is a child of Silicon Valley, a former animator of The Simpsons. Now she is a successful cartoonist with own children's' book, calendars, card lines and, of course, Instagram comic blog. Welcome to the world of Liz Climo!

pictures about love

Matt Tarpley is another artist, who makes amazingly warm comics about the best things in the world: love, friendship, and kindness. Just change the look-up angle from the inevitable flow of pain in everyday life and distract just for a couple of minutes to the world of cute aminals in Cat's Cafe comics.

comics in instagram


A 16-year old girl from Indonesia has just started her artistic career but has already gained thousands of fans. The secret is simple: the art describes real-life situations, that are easily applied to every human on Earth. Interesting, how a girl unites people in her publications. We all make mistakes, we can be lazy sometimes or eat at 3 a.m, spend nights watching series or look like sh*t and it's okay and great to make fun of it. Love yourself the way you are and forgive yourself these little weaknesses. Just spend just a few minutes with Cimocs to make your day a little bit better.

instagram girl from Indonesia

A talented girl from Kolkata, India, is the owner of another true-life account Shreyadoodles. She makes comics, funny short stories, and bad jokes. Especially you may love the account if you have dogs or cats. So lively simple stories and some touchy pictures! The best thing about Instagram, that it's not important at all how old you are and what place you live. You can be popular and share your art with the whole world any time you want.

instagram true-life account Shreyadoodles

Instagram bot by BigBangram is a powerful and complex tool for promotion. It's very easy to promote Instagram account of an artist. You will need very simple tools: autolike, autofollow and unfollow. The main aim is just to attract the attention of Instagram users to your art. The price for the Instagram bot is $15 a month, but you can get 2100 outreach per day or 63 000 per month!

Plus BigBangram offers FREE set up of an account and FREE analysis of Instagram account with practical recommendations.

Dmitry Y. Social Media Specialist


Not all comics are extremely cute or super positive. Buni is a dark comics about an optimistic bunny with terrible luck. Ryan Pagelow is the author of the acc content. He has been drawing comic strips for most of his life. His work has appeared in several newspapers, online sites and Mad magazine. When not drawing he is a photographer and lives with his wife, son, and daughter in Chicago.

instagram comics about an optimistic bunny

A 19-year old cartoonist has taken Instagram by storm. Harry Hambley is a self-confessed introvert, that has a huge fanbase all over the world. His work shines with positivity, off-beat humor, and variety of puns. Harry Hambley hand draws his cartoons using a digital tablet at his home in Cardiff. He now keeps American time – waking up in the afternoon to post for his audience there and to be available for meetings – and eventually sees himself relocating to New York.

Harry Hambley is a self-confessed introvert


Sometimes people are looking for support and understanding. Sometimes we all have to find somebody, who will understand our pain. Holly Chisholm is a webcomic, who makes pictures about mental health, depression, and anxiety. Or about being just ok. She tries to find the humor in being sad. And you know what? Her work is really helping to live through tough times, feel, that you are not alone and smile at difficulties. Need support? Go check her account or simply buy a book on Amazon.

 Holly Chisholm is a webcomic

Sky Banyes is a life enthusiast and healing soul. She creates emotional illustrations with a pinch of salt. And sometimes she just creates for fun! Her illustrations are the output of a life lover, troubled soul, positive spirit and creative mind in self-discovery. The sole purpose of Sky's creations going public is the hope that one more soul may be positively inspired, brightened or amused today. Thus, you are prompted to enjoy her Gallery.

instagram illustrations with a pinch of salt


A Japanese cartoonist Keigo makes funny but unusual pics. You can't understand them from the first sight. The author has a unique and non-standard view of life. But if you look closely, you will understand the joke that is not plain to see. The heroes of these mini-stories are people, animals or objects around us. I admire the work of Keigo and offer you to take a look at this account.

instagram joke that is not plain to see

Tango Gao is a Shanghai-born artist. He was challenged by a friend in 2010 to draw one cartoon each day and post it on the popular Chinese social media site Weibo. So Tango quickly gained global popularity for his quirky cartoons, which poke fun at the everyday routines and oddities of modern life. Tango is today one of the most popular illustration artists in China. His day is like his drawing. It makes no sense and is finally meaningless. This nonsense is the bittersweet truth, the most straightforward metaphor he has hidden in his illustrations.

most popular illustration artists in China

The power of Instagram is endless. Take a closer look at these accounts. It's not that important, how old are you or where do you live. The only thing that matters is your self-expression and your thoughts. Be honest, be creative and get your success on Instagram. And BigBangram is here to help you.

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