Top Hashtags On Instagram

Free selections of best Instagram hashtags

Top Hashtags On Instagram

Discover Top Hashtags for Greater Post Reach

Collect more impressions and increase reach by using Instagram hashtags

1. Trending Hashtags for Instagram

Check the trending Instagram hashtags by periods to stay tuned and promote your page faster:

  • For today
  • Last 7 days
  • Last month
  • All time

Trending Instagram Hashtags

2. Top 100 Instagram hashtags

Find out the hundred of the most popular hashtags on Instagram. It will save your time during content plan creation.

Hashtags for likes

3. Hashtags for likes

Check out the selection of best tags for getting likes. Use them occasionally to reach like-minded fellows and get more likes for your posts.

4. Hashtags for followers

Discover the top hashtags that bring more followers to your account. Use them every time you need new followers.

5. Hashtags by other categories

Use the best travel and yoga hashtags, top music hashtags, fitness hashtags and other 70+ categories for your niche.

The Best Collection of Trending Hashtags

We know our work and we have much to offer

Always free

No credit card needed. Pay nothing for hashtags — no hidden fees and subscriptions.

Fast and simple-to-use

Choose up to 30 hashtags and copy them in one click. Do it whenever you want, from any device.

Free analysis of every hashtag

Get a free analysis of tags’ difficulty and performance in a click. Use the info to improve your post reach.

Constantly updated database

Our database includes 12 000 000 + hashtags. It’s always fresh as we update it every day.

No shadowban

The visibility of your posts is secured. We provide only proven tags, not banned on Instagram.

Discover today’s trending hashtags


How to paste the tags to my post quickly?

Click near the tags you like — they will be added to the hashtags window down the page (on your phone) or on the left side (on your laptop or PC). 

Click Copy and paste the tags to the caption (ctrl+V for computer; tap and hold for a couple of seconds, then choose Paste for phone).

How many trending hashtags can I use in my post?

You are allowed to add up to 30 tags, but we advise to add 6-8 trending hashtags combining them with more relevant hashtags.

Do hashtags really help promotion?

Sure! It’s through tags that people can find your post among thousands or even millions of similar posts. 

What you should always remember is what hashtags to use. Make a note: 

  • Most popular and top hashtags bring a wider audience to you, however, not for long. They work for a couple of minutes — when your post remains visible in the Instagram search.
  • Less popular or average tags also bring a lot of impressions and work a bit longer that popular tags. 
  • Rare or niche tags bring fewer users to your profile, but they perform for days and even weeks.

Thus, as you can see, it’s better to combine different types of tags (top hashtags + average and rare ones) to increase the reach and promote your posts effectively.

Are there any limits on how many hashtags I can choose?

No, there are no limits. However, at one go, you can copy only 30 hashtags — the limit set by Instagram.

What tags should I add to my captions?

It is better if you use 5-6 trending and popular tags, 5-6 less popular tags, and 10-18 rare tags. Thus, the performance of the tags will be much more long-lasting.